General( Payment Gateways General Settings):
- Log Payment Gateway Information: hen you enable this option all payment gateway response and other payment information will be stored into Yatra logging system. Warning: Please enable this option only for debugging purpose.
- Test Mode: While in test mode no live transactions are processed. To fully use test mode, you must have a sandbox (test) account for the payment gateway you are testing.
- Payment Gateways: You can choose any of the payment gateways from the list. Just check any of the gateways from the right side. By default Book Now Pay Later option will be available
PayPal Standard:
- PayPal Email Address: To use PayPal payment gateway you need to check PayPal from payment gateway general settings and update your PayPal email address here so that you will get all booking payments into your PayPal account.
- Label on Checkout: This label will be appear on checkout payment gateway selection part. Default is PayPal Standard
Book Now Pay Later:
- Label on Checkout: This label will be appear on checkout payment gateway selection part. Default is Book Now Pay Later