Yatra plugin has the following shortcodes and their attributes. If you copy the following shortcode, please paste as plain text into your editor.
Shortcode for Cart Page:

Shortcode for Checkout Page:

Shortcode for My Account Page:

Shortcode for Activity Listing:
[yatra_activity order="desc"]

Shortcode for Destination Listing:
[yatra_destination order="desc"]

Shortcode for Discount & Deals Listing:
[yatra_discount_and_deals order="asc"]

Shortcode for Tour Listing:
[yatra_tour order="asc"]Arguments for shortcodes: ( optional arguments)
order: asc or desc
featured: 0 or 1 or remove the feature argumentTour Listing Search Shortcode
You can use the following shortcode to show the search on yatra plugin.
[yatra_search]Mini Cart
To show the mini cart on the yatra plugin, you can use the following shortcode.