Miscellaneous Settings:
- Log Option: Yatra plugin have 2 type of logging system. Logging system implemented on the plugin because it’ll very easy to debug any issue appear on the plugin or any conflict on the third party plugin or any payment gateway related issue appear. There are 2 types of logging system, one is on file and one is on database. if you choose on file this will log everything on the file and if you choose the database, this will log everything on the database. You can choose as per your continent or you can just leave it as it’s default ( Database ) .
- Show Enquiry Form: Show/hide enquiry form. This will show or hide enquiry form on tour single page. You can override this option by enabling enquiry only option from availability menu for specific date or date ranges..
- Show Terms on enquiry form: This option will show the terms and conditions field so that user must accept terms and conditions to fill the enquiry form. But make sure terms and conditions page is setup from Setting->General->Pages option.
- Show Availability Indicator: This option will show/hide availability indicator on single tour page below booking calendar.
- Date Selection Type: You can choose date selection type to calendar or date listing. If you choose date selection type calendar it’ll show booking calendar on tour single page. If you choose date listing type then it’ll show just available date as a list instead of booking calendar.