Yatra Razorpay

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After completing the installation and activation of Yatra Razorpay addon. Please go to Yatra -> Settings -> Payment and you will see the Payment Gateways option there. Please check razorpay there save it and go to Razorpay subtab of payment tab. You will find the razorpay configuration there.

While testing the payment gateways you have to enable testing mode on the yatra plugin from payment -> test mode. Please enable only to perform test transactions. You have to disable it to perform live real-time transactions.

Label on checkout: This is the payment gateway label on checkout. What you write here will appear on the checkout process of tour packages.

Key Id: This is a Key Id of razorpay and You can get it from your razorpay account. Please make sure you have provided correct Key Id for live and sandbox testing from razorpay.

Key Secret: This is key secret provided by razorpay. You can get it from your your razorpay account. Please make sure you have provided correct Key Secret for live and sandbox testing from razorpay.

Payment Action: Right now Yatra support Razorpay Authorize and Capture & Authorize only payment state. Once your customer completes a payment, it is automatically moved to captured state. Authorized sends you a notification when the payment you were expecting to be Late Authorized moves to Authorized state. You can leave it Authorize and Capture for now.

Enable Webhook: You have to enable this webook to get response from razorpay about the payment status. Please copy the webhook from here to razorpay dashboard.

Webhook Secret: You have to set up a webhook endpoint secret to set up a razorpay addon. If you missed this setup you can get payment but you will not able to get response from razorpay to yatra plugin. You have to setup same webhook secret on Yatra Razorpay dashboard and your razorpay account dashboard.

Please copy the webhook and create a webhook on razorpay with that copied URL. This is an example webhook shown on the following screenshot. http://localhost:4002/wp-json/yatra/v1/webhooks/razorpay , You can copy it from your Webhook Endpoint secret option.

If you are in test mode on razorpay then every keys and configuration settings for yatra razorpay must be for test mode.
If you are in live mode on razorpay then the all keys and configuration settings must be for live transaction purpose, you have to add those configuration settings from yatra razorpay to yatra razorpay

Razorpay Test mode and Key Id and Key Secret

Webhooks on razorpay

You have to use same webhook secret on razorpay and yatra razorpay dashboard

To Process Live Transactions on Razorpay Please enable live mode on razorpay and add all live keys to Yatra Razorpay Dashboard and disable test mode on Yatra Payment Setting

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